Quick Apply

Posted 04/13/2016

Are You Working with the Right Staffing Firm?

Which of the following is true for you?
  • You don’t have time/resources to sieve quality talent from an ever-widening
  • You need contingent staffing for seasonal or project demands, and you need workers right away.
  • The talent you’ve been finding has a poor fit with your needs.
If you answered “true” to any or all of the above, working with a staffing firm could be the solution to your issues. But how do you choose a staffing firm that matches your interests, needs, and specific industry? How do you find the right partner? Check out these four evaluative tips below.
  • Ask about their specialty.
Select an agency with experience in your industry, staffing positions like those you have available. A specialized firm will not only have an established body of knowledge about your business but also have a talent pool prescreened to fit your needs. Partnering with the right agency will also save you time and costs.
  • Tell them who you are.
Understand and review hiring options with the firm. You want to align your needs with the services they provide whether direct hire, contract to hire, or temporary placement. When you speak the same language, your needs are addressed as efficiently as your expectations. Don’t rule out a visit to your facility by an agency representative.
  • Communicate details completely.
Many staffing firms prefer to assign a day-to-day contact. In turn, this individual needs to have all pertinent information about available jobs including hard and soft skills, company culture, and salary.  Without full disclosure, your liaison cannot sift through the staffing firm’s pool of candidates (and part of the service you pay for is prescreening).
  • Provide timely feedback.
In the early stages of the relationship, the more frequent the conversations, the more you and the agency learn about each other. Then, if a period of adjustment is required, it occurs with minimal strain. Or, if a candidate doesn’t work out, you will know how the situation is to be handled. Building that important relationship helps secure the best fit of candidates now and in the future. Working with a staffing firm is a smart way to place quality talent in hard-to-fill jobs, identify candidates who are unreachable through other avenues, or find those who prefer only to seek employment through an agency. MPS Technical specializes in placing talent in the precision manufacturing industry. We have over two decades of experience placing the right candidates in the right positions, with seamless onboarding. We’ll answer all your questions until you’re sure working with us is the right choice.